PerfectLaw All-in-One® Legal Software
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Are you an Intellectual Property Firm?

All-in-One® software for practice and financial management eliminates most IT integration problems and greatly simplifies installations and upgrades. For more than 30 years, PerfectLaw has been the All-in-One® software leader with technology innovations including:

  • Extending document management with Paperless Workflow® functionality
  • The Data Browser, an advanced SQL search engine with full text indexing whereby users define their own search views and filters
  • The Knowledge Builder research engine that integrates with Lexis, Thompson West, the USPTO and other online databases
  • iSlips™ and iDocuments™ apps for creating time slips and working with documents remotely on the iPad and iPhone

Reasons to Choose PerfectLaw®

  • PerfectLaw® runs on Microsoft platforms and utilizes the industry standard Microsoft SQL Server database (see our requirements doc for detail specs.)
  • Eliminates the need for special Business Intelligence servers
  • Integrates with Outlook® and other Microsoft Office applications using very simple,  easy to support add-ins and plug-ins
  • Distributes reports, bills, BizRadar dashboards, dockets and other documents by letting users access these items via DataBrowser Views without clogging Outlook® or printing each document
  • The Data Browser supports Query-by-Example searching to bring you the full power of SQL with a dramatically reduced learning curve; no need to learn complex, algebraic search languages
  • PerfectLaw® software can be configured to suit your firm’s needs; firms are not required to purchase the entire suite of products but rather allows users to add features and functionality to their configuration  as the firm grows
  • Provides an online Learning Center where users can learn at their own pace from video lectures by industry experts

In addition to offering a total office solution with a user-friendly interface, PerfectLaw® offers the fastest, most powerful, and most reliable technology with an unparalleled level of superior post-purchase customer service.